
Farming might be one of the oldest trades in the world. Yet emerging technologies are turning agriculture into an exact science. Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Computer Vision applications are now employed to evaluate field conditions, soil moisture, identify crop disease, predict weather and crop yields.  Computer...

In the right place, at the right time - while inspecting structural cable integrity at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, the drone captured the collapse of this majestic scientific structure. UAV inspections became the default go-to solution for almost every industry that requires visual...

We have just completed the first course of Agmis Cloud Academy! Back in September Agmis launched Salesforce academy training course - the first dedicated academy for Salesforce skills training. The course covered theory and real world tasks of working in the Salesforce platform environment. From 157 who...

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Safe to say, it is a drone! The everpresent drones embraced by millions of hobbyists are making inroads into corporate services. UAVs are often employed for mapping, aerial inspection and environmental research. Drones have become the default go-to option...

Large construction and industrial sites pose a challenge to safety inspectors. When you have to oversee an area even of a few hectares, human supervision becomes inefficient. Inspectors cannot be present in all places at all times – yet accidents happen in seconds. And even...

Drones are an important part of the contemporary industrial landscape. From large UAVs, to microdrones, they are simplifying the tasks of aerial inspection and object detection. Drones are a great asset when it comes to inspect tall structures, vast areas or other places which are hazardous...

Entrepreneurship and export development agency “Enterprise Lithuania” indicates that due to COVID-19 pandemic Lithuanian exports of services could shrink by 10 to 25 percent. Technology and communications sector is listed among the most affected. However, leading Lithuanian technology companies are displaying crisis immunity – retaining...