
Senior AI Scientist

Skills: C#, MATLAB, Pascal, Python

Level: Tier 1



Available: Now

Professional experience:
  • C++ programming. 5+ years of experience
  • Computer vision, Image processing, Signal processing 5+ (professional)
  • Main fields: Data Science, Machine learning, Computer Vision, Research, Software development, Performance computing

  • Programming languages: C, C++, C#, Python, MATLAB
  • Databases: SQL
  • Team project management: Asana, Wrike, Jira
  • Operating Systems: Windows, Unix
  • Software Design Methods: Agile, Waterfall, Mixed development
  • Version Control Tools: Git, Mercurial
  • Ph.D. Informatics Engineering, Kaunas University of Technology (2017 - today)
  • MSc Control Systems, Kaunas University of Technology
  • BSc Robotics and Cybernetics, Kaunas University of Technology
  • Partial studies:
    • Machine learning: Theory and application, Winter school, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (2021)
    • Vision Understanding and Machine Intelligence (VISUM), Summer School, Universidade Portucalense (2019)
  LANGUAGES: Lithuanian: fluent (native) English: advanced Russian: pre-intermediate     PROJECTS:  
Project: Various computer vision based projects  2020 11 - now
Technologies used OpenCV, CudaSDK, DarkNetC, Tensorflow
Role C#/C++/Python Developer and Data scientist
Research Direction Computer Vision & Artificial Intelligence
Responsibilities and achievements
  • Algorithms development;
  • Neural network models preparation (development) and training;
  • Research and overall development
Project: Various algorithms aimed at quality inspection projects development  2017 09 - 2020 11
Technologies used OpenCV, CudaSDK, PylonSDK, .NET, DarkNetC, Tensorflow
Role C#/Managed C++/C++/Python Developer
Research Direction Computer Vision
Responsibilities and achievements
  • Computer vision algorithms development for medical equipment, wood production, and other specific projects;
  • Base application maintenance and feature development;
  • Data preparation and neural networks training for object detection and segmentation.
Project: AI-Driven brand logotype tracker & Scoreboard OCR development 2018 01 - 2020 11 (Today consulting)
Technologies used OpenCV, CudaSDK, DarkNetC, Boost, ImGUI
Role C/C++/Python Developer and Data scientist
Research Direction Computer Vision
Responsibilities and achievements
  • Adaptive data collection and labeling tool development;
  • Full-stack developer/researcher for every part of the system: video decoding, detection, tracking, rendering, encoding, visualization (GUI);
  • Scoreboard statistics reading using computer vision.
Project: High-efficiency screen capture and processing tool 2017 06 - 2017 09
Technologies used OpenCV, CudaSDK
Role Cuda C/C++ Developer 
Research Direction Computer Vision & Artificial Intelligence
Responsibilities and achievements
  • Image processing filters implementation in CUDA
Project: Production quality inspection using computer vision 2017 01 - 2017 06
Technologies used OpenCV, CudaSDK, WxWidgets, Boost, Spinnaker SDK
Role C++ Developer 
Research Direction Computer Vision
Responsibilities and achievements
  • 3rdParties and coding environment preparation;
  • Camera control and frame grab utility coding;
  • Basic application infrastructure development.
Project: Holographic data streaming project 2016 04 - 2017 01
Technologies used OpenCV, Visualization Toolkit (VTK), libfreenect2, Boost
Role C++ Developer 
Research Direction Computer Vision
Responsibilities and achievements
  • 3D and RGB data manipulation from multiple depth sensors (Kinect2);
  • Filtering algorithms, transformations, and
  • post-processing;
  • Holographic image (point cloud) visualization.