The technology allows to measure and analyze real life objects and create a quantifiable data level on top of them.

Computer vision in Construction: 5 applications to create workplace of the future

Computer vision is changing the way businesses operate. From retail to warehousing, from manufacturing to urban planning, the technology allows to measure and analyze real life objects and create a quantifiable data level on top of them.

Computer vision utilizes video or image data to ‘count the uncountable’. The software can analyze video footage from video surveillance cameras which are already present at most modern workplaces. It is simple to deploy, requires little to none additional hardware investment. The advances in machine learning make computer vision applications more accurate and dependable.
Therefore, video analysis is making inroads into construction sites. These tools can increase productivity, improve safety, reduce costs and lead to more well informed planning decisions.
We take a look at best 5 computer vision applications for construction industry.

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