
Logistics management platform for trucking

Logistics management platform for trucking

About the customer

Our customer is an international logistics company based in Western Europe.


Our experience

Our team is supporting the development of a logistics management platform for road cargo.


The platform facilitates order management and communication between freight carriers and warehousing service providers.

The platform includes:

  • Module for online loading dock bookings
  • Module for online booking carrier and warehousing services
  • Modules to handle shipping orders and oversee shipments

“In this project we are further building upon our transportation domain expertise to enable digital transformation of logistics services”

Tautvydas Buzas, Head of Professional Services at Agmis

Want to learn more? Just write a message:

Tautvydas Buzas, Head of Professional Services at Agmis

Tautvydas Buzas

Head of Professional Services
About Us