
‘CRM on the Go’ for Real Estate Brokers

Agmis developed an Android app for RE/MAX brokers. Android app synchronizes data with CRM system, retrieves agent’s customer database to be stored locally, synchronizes tasks and leads for the agent, reminds agent about calls and presentations to be made. Features Android Widget showing statistics of the calls and meetings pending for that day. The app also Imports phone address book into CRM, tracks calls in real time, upon call receipt, recognizes the customer by number before answering, upon completion of the call allows to specify and enter call record details directly to the CRM. 


Much of real estate agents time is spent while on the go. Mobile phone is the main computing and work-tool in this business field. Agmis solution helps to simplify their out-of-office work.


Want to learn more? Just write a message:

Tautvydas Buzas, Head of Professional Services at Agmis

Tautvydas Buzas

Head of Professional Services
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