
Voice-to-text for ambulance paramedics

Voice-to-text for ambulance paramedics

About the client

Dekbera specializes in the development of mission and business-critical communications and software.

Our experience

A few years ago Agmis developed a mobile application for ambulance paramedics. The application substituted paper forms, which the first responders needed to fill in when helping the patient. The mobile app covers all information relating to the patient’s condition. Using a mobile tablet, the information could be instantly shared with the medical institution while the patient is on his way to the hospital. The platform also reduced time-per-patient spent on documentation and simplified healthcare record handling procedures – enabling paramedics to save more lives instead of filling forms.


This year Agmis introduced voice-to-text functionality, enabling paramedics to dictate patient information using their voice instead of typing it on the keyboard.

“Paramedics operate in a time-sensitive environment. Moving from paper to digital was a great step in aiding first-responder productivity. Voice recognition is another natural way to simplify paperwork, shifting more focus to patient care”

Tautvydas Buzas, Head of Professional Services at Agmis

Want to learn more? Just write a message:

Tautvydas Buzas, Head of Professional Services at Agmis

Tautvydas Buzas

Head of Professional Services
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